Create your own medical Device
New System On Module (SOM) Technology Implantable in Any Wearable Item
CardiacSense’s disruptive technology allows it to turn out medical-grade products. We signed an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with a leading semiconductor manufacturer for designing and manufacturing a SOM (System on Module).
Vital sign measurement capabilities
Easy Integration
Shorten time to market
Low Power Consumption
Sub 1 mA
Very Small Form Factor
Smaller than 10*10 mm
Small size (1x1 cm) enables embedding in any wearable: watches, headbands, rings, glasses, hats
For OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) customers who require this technology to enter the medical sector, CardiacSense will license SOMs, if the technology is self-contained, meaning it only has power to provide data.
The SOM will be sold after it gains FDA – clearance. As a result, the path to FDA approval for the whole OEM-developed product is straightforward.

Commercial products will be available in 2024.
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